Monday, February 11, 2013

Epcot Center

Getting close to the end of vacation pictures...Epcot and the beach left...

Hope you enjoy these even just a bit as much as we enjoyed our day!
Finding Nemo

Imagination Center

ok, bad lighting, but how cute are these kids?!?

The Countries...

Again, could they be any cuter?!?

Another great day in the books for my favorite vacation to date...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dancing Lights

I would be remiss if I didn't try to share a video of the Osborne Family Dancing Lights from Hollywood Studios over the holidays. They were incredible! So glad we got to see them. The video obviously doesn't do them justice, but hopefully you get the idea!

Dancing Lights

This isn't a video that we took as I couldn't get mine to upload,
but it includes some of my favorite parts of the lights.


Animal Kingdon

Finally back to some vacation photos!

Our next stop was the Animal Kingdom

The Tree of Life!

and a great time was had by all!

Best of all, the park is only open until 5 pm,
so then we headed back to our hotel
and the kids got to swim in the pool to their hearts' content!

Officially, a very good day.