This installment of Amundson Christmas is about our Christmas Eve gathering with my family. The group included my mom and dad, my sister, brother-in-law and their 5 kids, my aunt and uncle, a cousin, her husband and their 2 boys, another cousin, and the guest of GRANDMA!!
We had such a wonderful evening. It started with a Christmas Eve service at our church with a great message reminding us what is important about Christmas. Then everyone came over to our house for dinner and presents.
Right after the service, though, my mom and I headed to the nursing home where my grandma is staying. We were hoping we could get her into the car and to our house without too much difficulty for her (and us!). She had been doing pretty well, but is still really limited in her ability to get around, even with help. Well, she apparently really wanted to be part of Christmas Eve because she did great! She just about hopped from her wheelchair to the car. When we got to my house, she walked with a walker from the car into the basement (no steps!).
It was so wonderful to have this special lady who has been a cornerstone of our family for generations (who is part of most of my Christmas memories) be there again this year to be a part of her great-grandkids' memories.
3 "greats" weren't able to be there for Christmas Eve,
but this was the rest of the crew.
We shared some good food together...
We read the Christmas story from Luke (a tradition for many generations now, although I don't think previous generations read it from their smart phone!)
We shared presents together...
(this is where things get a bit crazy!)
my sister's family
all the kids got "Sing-a-ma-jigs" from grandma and grandpa
Aleah's gifts
She got my baby doll from when I was little
What a special gift, including clothes that I wore!
Dylan's gifts.
He had disappeared already, but I wanted to keep track anyway!
and last but not least for this post...
Grandma Ruth and our kitten SeSe
(check out grandma's leopard print coat!)
It was a great evening with some of my very favorite people in the world!
If I haven't said it before, I LOVE my family!