I have been trying to figure out how to share our "story" in a way that really tells it well, but doesn't have anyone sleeping or clicking away 1/2 way through it. I think I will write several "installments" and share them at some interval. First up: the dating phase...
My husband and I met in high school (I know, most long-term relationships begin when you are 18...) around Christmas of our Senior year. I was attending a private, boarding school in Minnesota (go to http://www.ffhillcrest.com/ to see the awesome school I had the priviledge of attending for my last 2 years of high school!). My husband-to-be (htb) went to one of our biggest "rivals". We met in the hallway of his high school during a girls' basketball game. (Usually when sharing this in person, at this point people will ask if I played basketball as I am about 5'11. The answer is NO! Have the height, but absolutely NONE of the talent or coordination.) My twin sister and I (tall, blonde, identical twins tended to be a magnet for attention much to our dismay as we were very shy) were being harassed by some boys from the rival school. My htb got pulled into the conversation somehow, and I think it is fair to say that we were both "interested" from the start. Now the tricky part was getting to see each other again. I knew his name, but there were a lot of people with his last name in his town (I checked!). He knew my first name, and that I went to Hillcrest, but that was it. I think we ran into each other at a couple other games through the next couple months. Finally in March, he worked up the courage and called the school and asked for "Alissa" really hoping there was only one! He said later that he had the backup explanation of that I was a twin to help pin down the right girl :).
Realize that he was calling a dorm with 70 or so girls living there, which takes quite a bit of courage at 18! Our first phone conversation involved me using the 1 phone that was available outside of the dorm office perched on the old desks and furniture that was stored in the room. During the conversation he jokingly asked if I had a boyfriend. There was a pause...and I said "well, kind of...but I was planning to break up with him today". Not exactly what you want to hear when you are trying to ask a girl out! His next question will live in infamy. "Well, is he big?" like, "can I take him??". My answer? "Yes". Seriously, the guy was like 6'5 and did not look like a typical high school Junior! Ah, the awkward moments that define our high school careers...
Realize that he was calling a dorm with 70 or so girls living there, which takes quite a bit of courage at 18! Our first phone conversation involved me using the 1 phone that was available outside of the dorm office perched on the old desks and furniture that was stored in the room. During the conversation he jokingly asked if I had a boyfriend. There was a pause...and I said "well, kind of...but I was planning to break up with him today". Not exactly what you want to hear when you are trying to ask a girl out! His next question will live in infamy. "Well, is he big?" like, "can I take him??". My answer? "Yes". Seriously, the guy was like 6'5 and did not look like a typical high school Junior! Ah, the awkward moments that define our high school careers...
Obviously I did break up with the "other guy" and agreed to a date with Mike. And that is a story for another time...
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