Our "second" Christmas was with a group of friends that we get together with almost every Wednesday (holiday weeks being one of the rare times that we don't get together)! This group of friends deserves a post all to itself, so I won't get into all the specifics of who these people are in our lives. I'll just say that we had our annual Christmas "White elephant" party. For those of you who aren't familiar with what a white elephant party is, it basically means you find something that no one in their right mind would want, wrap it up, and bring it to the party for someone else to receive.
We have rules for the party for this group. (because they were necessary, thats why...)
1) The gift has to come from your own house (no buying something awful at a second-hand store and wrapping that up)
2) Umm...I guess we have one rule
When it is time to open presents, each year we have to come up with a way of deciding who goes first at choosing and opening a present. This is always a point of much discussion. We have used birth months, birth years, and who knows what else. This year the party was at our house, and we decided to use the very sophisticated system of...drawing a number.
So...the first person gets first choice of what gift they open. Then the second. Then the third. Then the fourth. (Do you see where this is going?) The tricky thing is that each person after the first can either choose to steal someone else's present, or they can pick from the yet unopened "treasures". This can be challenging because you may not want what someone else has, but it may be better than the unknown "treasure" to be found in one of the other packages.
Well, without further ado, here are some pics of our fun evening.
and here are some of the wonderful gifts...
(This one might need some description. This was Mr. Wonderful.
He said things like "whatever you want, dear", and "why can't your mother stay for 2 weeks?")
saddle bags (really don't know the story behind those...)
assorted paper and pens
ceramic bear
hand exerciser
"glee" board game (I now actually own this because I stole it!
It was the debate of which is the lesser of 2 evils. A known gift vs. the unknown...)
"Employee testing kit"
Christmas star that works intermittently
and finally...
a present that has made its way around the group for many years...
the "male birth control" shirt!
The shirt is from Africa, and the words are in French
but the pictures speak for themselves don't you think??
Sorry, I missed some of the people and presents, but this gives you an idea at least.
Thanks to some of our most cherished friends for a great evening!
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