Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
As for me...
I most certainly did not enjoy a great day with friends at a local pumpkin patch, and when one friend needed to head home a bit earlier than the kids were all ready, did NOT jump at the chance to drive her and her son home. This left my 2 kids with another friend for the rest of the time they spend there. Nope! I always love every minute with my kids and would never pawn them off on someone else for any period of time!
I also most certainly did not take advantage of the time with no kids and lay down for a glorious nap!
Earlier this weekend I also did NOT nearly burst out in song when my dear husband offered to "camp" out in our yard for the last time of the year with the kids and puppy! Again, I dearly love my kids, and cherish every moment with them, even the ones that come in the middle of the night...
I also did NOT take a 2-3 hour nap on Sunday afternoon. I mean really, what adult still revels in taking naps (especially of the 2-3 hour variety)? This also is NOT why it is after midnight and I am still quite wide awake working on this post...
What about you? What have you NOT done this week?
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