Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I most certainly wasn't so excited about a purchase I made this weekend that I took a picture of it...
seriously, have you seen cuter forks than that?
(My computer was being crabby and I couldn't get this pic to rotate correctly)
I also did not take a 2 hour nap on Sunday while my kids fended for themselves. I am way more responsible than that, and never would sleep while they were awake (remember...they are 6 and 11!)
I also did not go out in my red pj's to get pictures of our puppy and kittens in the snow we got recently. That would be waaayyy too embarassing. (post coming sometime in the next few days...of the snow, not the red pj's!)
So, what have you NOT been up to this week?
I love those forks. I am picturing them holding bitte sized hors devours for thanksgiving.